Meet Our Expert Team

Together, our expert team at Gain Med is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of stem cell research and healthcare. Combining diverse skills and a shared commitment to excellence, we strive to provide our patients with unparalleled regenerative solutions for a healthier, more vibrant future.

Dr. Thanos Kossyvakis

Dr. Athanasios Kossyvakis received his postgraduate studies in Immunology at Imperial College in UK. During his PhD studies (School of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens), focused on the antiviral resistance profile of human influenza viruses.


Dr. Amir Landi

Amir Landi is a formally trained medical doctor (MD), immunologist (PhD) with mastery in cellular immunology/vaccinology, and professional public health leader (MPH candidate) with specialization in Global Health.


Dr. Ehsan Hashemi

Ehsan Hashemi, Ph.D., is the Co-founder and Senior Scientific Advisor of Gain Medical Group. He is a molecular biologist who has been working in regenerative medicine for more than 16 years, mainly utilizing biomaterials to build biomimetic microarchitecture.

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